Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spiritual Vision


Seeing with Our Hearts

Out of Our Heads

May 3, 2015


Living in Love beyond Beliefs


*Sacred (Ulun Danu - Bali), Hengki Koentijoro, Flickr

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Age three Barry Briggs adamantly refused to leave his pennies at Sunday School, despite his mother's instructions. The fourth Sunday that he trotted home with them, his mother again informed him, "That money is for Jesus. Don't you want to give it to Him?" "He never comes," explained Barry.

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Children interpret concretely matters of religious faith. Yet, as we grow, we have opportunity to evolve to see ~ and "seeing" spiritually means "to see-into" or "in-sight" ~ deeper, more spiritual meanings of faith. We in-see meanings we had not seen before. These meanings keep evidencing over time. We see as we are prepared to see.

This insight, or seeing into, elements of faith, immensely enriches our walk with Grace. And this is a decisive difference between consensual faith, or the faith held by most persons of a faith group, and what could be called spiritual faith, wherein persons move beyond surface meaning to inner, subtle, and highly symbolic meanings and significations. These elements become more intuitive, like hints that capture the heart but elude the mind. This is why a spiritually-hearted Buddhist can see the Buddha anywhere and within anyone and a like Christian can see the Christ anywhere and within anyone. Love is waiting for us everywhere; Grace is self-luminous.

Spiritual contemplation transforms the seeing, or experiencing, of the lover of Grace, the taster of Beauty. The spiritualization in Love, through passive consent to Grace, awakens innate gifts - or graces-, and these manifests in spiritual sensitivity and in-seeings into Truth, again, for we are prepared to see these subtle inspirations of Meaning that are not conclusive and clear mentally but evocative and elusive.

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi.

*I am..., Christine, Flickr


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spiritual Vision

©Brian Wilcox 2024